Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quandary of the day!

OK girls - here's a tricky one for you.

What sort of outfit would the off white shoes go with?

I adore them and think they are so very cute, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out what to wear them with. If I can't come up with anything, I won't order them. So far, I've decided they'll go with my fancier work jeans, but with what color top?

Such trying times, aren't they?


Jennifer said...

First of all, what happened to the off-white patent leather shoes you have already?!?

OK, I'm better now. I think these would look great with a khaki or brown dress in the safari style (Chadwick's has some of those I think). Or, navy blue anything. Or, red anything. Or, yellow anything. Or green anything.

How about...the electric blue sweater you got at Old Navy, black walking shorts or capris, a white tee, and these shoes - chic!