Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Coming out of my cocoon.

I've always been somewhat of a fan of Will Smith and his movies, and after waiting a very long time, Netflix finally sent us I Am Legend just in time for the weekend. I had heard mixed reviews about it: some people really liked it, while others liked it but didn't care for the ending. So my husband and I sat down last Saturday afternoon to form our own opinions.

For those who haven't seen it (or heard of it), the premise is that a virus that was engineered to cure cancer ends up becoming dangerous and airborne and turns the entire human race into zombies, with the exception of Will Smith's character who is left to fend for himself in New York City. The story revolves around him trying to do 3 things: 1) attempt to find survivors who are not infected; 2) work to find a cure for the virus to restore the human race; and 3) survive.

I liked the movie well enough - I don't know if I'll ever watch it again, but it was interesting and engaging. There was room for more character development and I think the zombies could have looked a little less computer-created (I've seen Resident Evil too many times, I think), but overall, pretty good. The ending was so-so, but I wasn't disappointed with it as some have been.

As someone who considers this topic one of her top ten fears, I couldn't help but think what I would do if it were me. The very idea shakes me to my core. Since I'm an incredibly social person and thrive on interactions with people, being the only person on the planet would be hard. Actually, it would be worse than hard: it would drive me insane. I honestly don't think that I would survive being alone all the time. I know that I'd probably be able to fend for myself (at least, I hope I would), but the lack of social interaction would be torture for me. Of course, I do have lots of conversations with myself on a regular basis NOW, so I'm sure I'd be my own best friend in no time.

Thus, a lesson in self-discovery. I am a social butterfly: something I never would have said about myself a few years ago. Which means I'm growing and evolving as a person.

Amazing that I discovered all this from a Will Smith movie.


Jennifer said...

Does this surprise you about yourself? I am often surprised that I feel surprised (does that make sense), because when I uncover another layer of my psyche, it feels so familiar - I recognize myself. Hmmm...maybe this would make more sense in a conversation. Anyway, yay you!

ps. I'm just glad you realized that you are a social butterfly, not a zombie.

pps. Have you felt like a zombie in the years before you realized you are a social butterfly?

ppps. TH is telling me to shut up and stop psychoanalyzing my friend's blog post.

Nicole said...

Some days I sure felt like a zombie - heck, I still do every now and then. I'm glad I realized I'm not a zombie, too!!

I kinda was surprised, but more surprised that I hadn't realized it sooner. Don't know why it took so long. But better late than never!!