Monday, March 31, 2008

Nothing to say but "Ow."

This past weekend was really nice. I got a lot done - got my haircut, went to my parent's house for dinner (and it was DELICIOUS - thanks Mom and Paul!), got to see some of my other relatives, dyed my hair (goodbye, grays!) and did a lot of laundry. Yesterday I hit Loehmann's with a friend of mine (we both got some VERY cute things) and baked a batch of brownies (which were AMAZING) and cooked a healthy dinner from a new recipe. All in all, a great weekend!

Except for last night.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I was thinking of taking a yoga class on Sunday morning - my first one. I decided to follow through, and I went to the class. I enjoyed it, even though it was a little tough (I'm not as in shape/flexible as I thought I was), but I felt really centered and focused when I was finished. I continued on with the rest of my day without incident, until the evening. I felt a small twinge in my middle back and thought, "That's odd - why is my back hurting? I only went to yoga today."

For the first time. DUH.

My middle back was so sore by the time I went to bed that I couldn't lay in my normal position because IT HURT TO BREATHE. Yes - that's right. I used muscles yesterday that I apparently haven't used in... NEVER. It was a very painful night and an unpleasant day today - I felt like I was moving at a snail's pace. At this moment, my back feels better, but my legs are starting to complain - I don't think I'm quite through the woods yet in terms of the pain.

However, I am not giving up. I've had a lot of problems with my back my whole life, and I'm hoping that this will finally give me the strength in my back that I've needed for so long. I also felt really calm and just good in general - a feeling I haven't had in a long time. So the pain is not discouraging me - in fact, it makes me hopeful. I'm using muscles that aren't normally utilized, which is a very good thing. I want to have the strongest back I can, and I think this is going to help me get there.

But in the meantime: ow.


Jennifer said...

Oh no! It's not supposed to hurt. My teacher always encourages us to feel the pose, not feel pain. Also be sure to breathe into the areas that are stretching, while you're stretching them. That might help. Meanwhile, I recommend a hot bath/shower and ibuprofen. Poor thing!