Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween, Martha style.

Here is the fruits of my labor: a spiderweb cheesecake, straight from the pages of the October issue of Martha Stewart Living:

Not a bad effort, if I do say so myself. It doesn't look exactly like the picture, but it's close enough.

I snuck a lick of the cheesecake filling tonight before I stuck it in the freezer, and OH MY GOD. The most delicious cheesecake ever. Here's the recipe if you want to try it.

This was my first cheesecake ever, and I'm pretty happy with it. And because it's no-bake, I'll definitely make it again. I'm excited to see what my co-workers think of it.

And I'll post costume pictures after tomorrow...I'm not telling what we're dressing up'll just have to wait and see. Muuhahahahahahhaha!


Anonymous said...

Happy Halloween Nicole! Your cheesecake looks yummy! Move over Martha Stewart! Looking forward in seeing pictures of your costume.

Jennifer said...

MMMmmm - that looks amazing. And where are the costume pictures?!