Friday, October 24, 2008

I have to get something off my chest.

I'm not normally a very political person, but there's something about one of the propositions on the ballot this election year that's really got me riled up.

The fact that there is a proposition that will determine whether a same-sex couple can marry or not is appalling. Unnecessary. Ridiculous. Insulting. Horrible. Hurtful. And lots of other adjectives that I won't use here. I was driving home from work today and saw someone with a Yes on 8 bumper sticker on their car. I was driving through a residential neighborhood and saw one too many Yes on 8 signs in people's front yards. I was speechless and angry at the same time. The commercials in favor of this proposition are even more infuriating - that by voting yes, you're protecting the sanctity of marriage.

I'm sorry, but when did it become the state of California's business to decide who people can marry? I'm just flabbergasted that in this day in age, we even have such an initiative on the ballot.

This is the first time in a long time I can remember being this infuriated about something political. And all that infuriation is going to propel me right to the polls on the 4th.

Not that I'm telling you what to do (because I hate to be bossy), but please don't forget to vote on the 4th! We need as many voices as we can this time around.