Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I jinxed myself.

My pain free existence was short-lived.

I woke up this morning feeling a whole lot better than yesterday and was so excited that I was back to being me again. I was looking forward to an entire day of being without pain, until I leaned over just a little bit to the right while I was getting ready this morning. And it happened again.

The pain came back and lasted all day, through 2 Aleve and the heating pad. It was a very, very miserable day at work. Thanks to a wonderful co-worker who went and found me a back support pad for my chair, I made it through the day and was feeling better mentally by the time I came home. As soon as I got home, I laid down and iced my back. And right now, I'm feeling OK again. But I'll be taking another muscle relaxer before I go to bed tonight. Bummer.

I'm really hoping I'm feeling better by Thursday. I'm supposed to go to Merced for work and my mother-in-law's retirement party is that night, and I don't want to disappoint her.

What I wouldn't give to feel normal again. The good thing about all this is that when I'm all healed, I am DEFINITELY making it a priority to work my abs and back muscles to get them strong and healthy so that this does not happen again. I believe everything happens for a reason, and I'm thinking that's the reason behind all of this.

At least that's what I'm telling myself.


Jennifer said...

You poor thing. Leopold and I wish you a speedy recovery.