Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Back at Square One.

I've decided to participate in this year's Doggy Dash, a fun run/walk to help raise money for the local SPCA chapter. Most of you who know me know that this is not my first run, so I should be well-prepared for it with as much as I exercise. Right? Well, I had the flu about a month and a half ago, and sadly, exercise has not been much of a priority since then. I had a discussion about this with a co-worker/friend today who said that a friend of hers is going through the same thing. What is it about the flu that takes all of your exercise motivation out of you? I imagine there's a flu bug out there somewhere that is just in KICK ASS shape because of how motivated it is.

I attempted running on my treadmill last night in order to start preparing, and I was only able to run a mile and a half at a very slow pace before I had to walk the remaining 1.5 miles. In fact, it's the pace I started running at a year and a half ago. So yes, I have some work to do. Thankfully, I've still got 2 whole months before the race, so that should be plenty of time. And I have to remind myself that it's not about how long it takes me to finish the race: it's about finishing. That, to me, is more of an accomplishment.

And just think! Come race day, I might be in better shape than that flu bug (wherever it is).