Monday, March 24, 2008

Mmmmm...vegetable volcano.

I went to Fresh Choice tonight with my best friend, who came up to visit her family for Easter. It was great catching up with her - it's been 3 months since we've seen each other, which seems almost impossible to me. How can 3 months have passed so quickly??

I was able to indulge in my most favorite thing at the restaurant- a great big pile of vegetables. After yesterday's gluttony, it felt really good to eat a big, healthy salad. Awhile back, I went to Fresh Choice for lunch with another friend of mine who brought along her son. When he saw my plate, he said "Wow - that looks like a vegetable volcano!" Thus, the inspiration for today's title.

The veggie volcano was everything I wanted it to be. And I had a small slice of pizza and a chocolate brownie to go with it. Because who can go to Fresh Choice and JUST eat salad? Not me.

I'm off to watch The Devil Wears Prada with R (my husband) - a perfect end to a pretty good day!


Jennifer said...

I love that movie!! Meryl Streep is so good. Have you read the book?

Nicole said...

I have read the book, and I actually like it better than the movie - but the movie's still pretty good. :)