Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cats get hiccups, too.

Chandler occasionally gets a little case of the hiccups every now and then. It usually happens right after he eats, and it never lasts for more than a couple of minutes. It's kind of cute, actually - but I'm sure he doesn't agree. Tonight he jumped up on the couch to sit next to me, and his hiccups started. R said, "I know how to get rid of those hiccups." He startled Chandler by shouting, and lo and behold - the hiccups went away! Apparently, fright gets rid of the hiccups in cats, too. I couldn't help but laugh, even though it wasn't the nicest thing to do.

And don't worry - Chandler is fine. It's not hard to scare him, the poor thing. Here's proof that he's OK:

He's plotting our deaths as we speak.

And Amber got jealous that I didn't want to take her picture, so here's a shot of her:

She'll come up with some reason to plot our deaths - probably because we don't take enough pictures of her. Such a diva.


Jennifer said...

Leopold does a lot of plotting, too. Then he gets distracted by the light reflecting off his tag. Cats are endlessly entertaining! And much better than TV. Well, this time of year, pretty much everything is better than TV.