Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am not the dentists' favorite.

I went to the dentist for another cleaning today, and I swear I was just there last week (at least that's what it felt like). When she told me that my last appointment was in August, I gasped. I was flabbergasted at how fast the time had passed.

Anyway, once she starting poking around in my mouth, she found a dark spot, which was not a cavity, but something ON TOP of a cavity. If my tooth had a face, it would look like this:

I'd forgotten how unpleasant a cavity is. And she hit it twice during my appointment - once with the little air gun thing on purpose (WHY do they do that?!) and then with the cleaning solution (not on purpose). Yikes. I guess that's my punishment for not flossing as frequently as I should be...again. Although I told her the plaque that was there was sparing me the pain of the cavity, so in this case, it worked in my favor not to floss.

She didn't think it was as funny as I did.

So I'll be going back at the end of April for a filling. And in keeping with my New Year's resolutions in not making things harder on myself, I am NOT going to worry about this since I've been through this before and it's not a big deal.

At least it won't be until the needle comes. Then it will be a big deal.