Monday, March 9, 2009

Happy birthday, Baba!

Today is my grandfather's 81st birthday. We call him Baba all because of me. My mom's parents are Hungarian but speak mostly German at home, and the German word for grandfather is Opa. Since I was the first grandchild in the family, it was my responsibility to say "Opa". And of course, I didn't. It came out as "Baba". Here we are, 31 years later, and he's still Baba. Oh well.

So my Baba is 81 today. And when I called to wish him a happy birthday tonight, my grandmother put him on the phone and the conversation went something like this:

Me: Happy birthday, Baba!

Baba: What?

Me: Happy birthday!

Baba: What?

Me: Happy birthday!

Baba: I heard what you said.

My grandfather is such a jokester. Always has been, always will be. And I'm so glad that even at 81, he's still got some left in him.

Happy birthday to the best Baba ever!