Have you ever lost something so important to you that it made you ill just thinking about it? I had that happen to me this week.
My mom gave me a diamond necklace when I turned 18. It's dainty and beautiful and I love it and I wear it almost every day. I wore it on my wedding day. It means so very much to me. So you can imagine my utter and complete heartbreak when I went to put it on yesterday morning and couldn't find it. I figured I'd spend some more time looking when I got home from work, and that it would probably be in one of two places where my jewelry ends up at the end of the day.
It wasn't in either of those places.
I tore my house apart looking for it. I got my husband involved. The thing that made me sick was that I couldn't remember when I wore it last and where I put it when I took it off. It was driving me insane. Did it accidentally end up in the trash? Did it fall off my neck and I didn't notice? How could I have just had it a few days before and now it's vanished?
I felt sick and completely irresponsible. I didn't know what to do. I dreamt about it last night and fretted over it every now and again today at work. It was awful. I dreaded having to tell my mom that I lost the necklace she'd given me; the necklace that cost her a pretty penny when we had nothing was gone and it was my fault.
I came home today and was getting ready to do another marathon night of searching. I took a seat at my computer, as I do every day when I get home, and looked a little around the floor of my desk to see if it had ended up there. No luck. I turned in my chair to get up, and noticed a shiny thing laying on the ground a few feet from my chair.
It was the diamond.
I have never been more relieved in my entire life. I told my husband that I didn't care about the chain, who cares what happened to it; what's more important is that I found the diamond.
And I looked down and saw the chain about 2 feet from where the diamond was.
More relief and happiness.
The scary thing is, I have no idea how that happened. The only thing I can guess is that I took it off at my desk and it fell out of my hand as I was walking back to the bedroom.
I'm just so, so glad that it turned up. I tried to tell myself when it was missing that it was just a thing and that it could be replaced, but in reality, it really couldn't. That necklace reminds me of just how much my mom loves me every time I wear it.
It now resides in a little jewelry box next to my bed, and that's where it will go every night when I come home. I never want to risk losing it again.
My sanity's returned, and so has my necklace. Who could ask for more in a day?