Monday, December 1, 2008

Back from a short hiatus.

Sorry for the absence of a post - I was enjoying my vacation too much to get near a computer.

Here's a breakdown of what I did during my fantastic 4 day vacation:

1) On Thanksgiving Day, my mom and I participated in the Run to Feed the Hungry. It was my third time, my mom's first. I couldn't believe the amount of people that were there - it was pretty great seeing 27, 000 people all uniting to do one thing. After that, we headed to my grandparent's house for the usual delicious feast, complete with homemade bratwurst as an appetizer. Not to quote Rachael Ray or anything (I'm not particularly fond of her), but YUM-O. And I brought leftover pumpkin spice cake, which turned out really well. It took me three times to make the caramel for the frosting (I burned it twice), but it was worth it in the end. After that, we went to my mother-in-law's for coffee and really yummy dessert. I have never been more done with food than when we got home. I was content to never see it again, until of course, I woke up hungry the next morning. It was still a pretty great Thanksgiving, overindulgence and all.

2) Friday I went to River City Brewing Company in Downtown Plaza with Kim and Nick and my cousins Kristie and Corey. I had a delicious flank steak salad with red wine vinaigrette and then we walked over to Starbuck's where I topped it off with coffee cake and a decaf soy mocha (because it all went so well together). Thanks to Nick and Corey respectively who paid for each one - you're awesome! We also went and saw Four Christmases which was HILARIOUS. I continue to love Vince Vaughn and my love grows stronger with every movie he's in. I snorted in the theater, it was so funny. After the movie, I jetted off to Elk Grove where I met my BFF Melissa for more coffee (yum!) and much overdue girl talk. Every time I see her in person, I realize how much I miss her (she lives in Southern California). 3 hours has never gone faster.

3) Saturday night, my husband and I went over to my mom and stepdad's house for dinner with my stepbrothers and my stepsister-in-law. My mom made: 1) 2 different kinds of appetizers from Trader Joe's; 2) warm ciabatta bread with garlic butter 3) beef burgundy; and 4) homemade chicken pot pie. It was almost like another Thanksgiving. Oh, and pumpkin pie from Thanksgiving for dessert. Oy. Again, more full than I ever dreamed. I felt like I should be rolling home instead of driving.

4) Sunday afternoon was spent at Country Club lanes with Corey, Kim and Nick for some bowling. Oh, and it was my first time bowling. EVER. I've been to birthday parties at bowling alleys (Kristie had one when she was little) but never actually bowled because I was too chicken. And I was pretty much what you expected: lame. I bowled a 62 the first game (AWESOME!) and an 82 the second game (an improvement, but still not great). I did have fun, though - I got a strike in my first game and did a whole lot better in the second game. I'm hoping to go back again so I can get a little better and at least get a triple digit score.

After all of that, you can imagine how hard it was for me to get up this morning. But I took comfort in the fact that 1) most people were grumbling this morning after having 4 days off; and 2) MY 11 DAY VACATION IS ONLY 23 DAYS AWAY. So that kinda made me feel better almost immediately. Plus, having my alarm set to Christmas music is such a wonderful way to start the day. I actually smiled at 5:15 this morning. On a Monday. After having 4 days off. I am not kidding.

I am looking forward to Christmas so much that I feel like a kid again. I positively cannot wait. Compared to how I felt last Christmas, I think I'm making up for lost time.

Happy holidays! And I promise not to take such a long break next time. I know my fans miss it a great deal when I don't post.

(Crickets chirping)


Jennifer said...

I missed it! I'm glad you had a good break. And where have you been that you haven't gone bowling?!? I'm a terrible bowler but it's fun. We should go!