Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I declare this weekend "cookie weekend".

The baking will be starting up again this weekend! We're doing a Christmas cookie exchange at work next week, and I've got a couple different recipes in mind. My husband has even offered to help, so of course I'm going to take him up on his offer. I signed up for Food Network's 12 Days of Cookies, so I've been getting a new cookie recipe every day for 9 days. I think one of those recipes might make it into the final cut. I'm also considering baking snickerdoodles, which I've never made before but found a recipe for on a bag of flour I recently bought. There is nothing more delicious to me than warm snickerdoodles. Nothing.

Pictures will surely follow after this weekend's bake-fest. And I will surely post those recipes that turned out the best!

Happy baking!


Anonymous said...

I love snickerdoodles! They're one of my favorite cookies! Alex and I were thinking about baking this weekend too...maybe Tollhouse Chocolate Chip! If not, we'll probably "cheat" and put a few Trader Joe's Choc. Chip cookies in the oven. (They're pre-made dough). They come really close to the "real thing"

Jennifer said...

I can't wait to get into the kitchen tomorrow for some cookie therapy. Shortbread and springerles, here I come.