Thursday, November 20, 2008

I need a BREAK.

I'm reaching that point where I just feel like a hamster in a wheel - I'm doing the same things over and over and over and over again and I'm burnt out. I get like this every now and again, and it basically means I'm overdue for a me-day of doing nothing at home (and I do mean nothing - no running to the grocery store, no laundry, no NOTHING), and thankfully, I'll get that chance next week. There's nothing bad happening in my life at the moment (thank goodness and knock on wood) - I just need to breathe for a little while, and then everything will be right with the world again.

The 4 day break from work next week will certainly help with all of this. The best part is that it's a precursor to my 11 DAY VACATION in December. I haven't had a vacation that long in...2 years. I'm beside myself with glee at the prospect of setting my own agenda for a week and half. It's going to be fabulous.

I'm already feeling better just thinking about it!


Jennifer said...

Me too. Let's make plans for our vacay. Maybe a day trip somewhere? What do you think? We could drive down to the Bay Area, or up to the snow, or.... no matter what, let's plan to get together.