Sunday, September 14, 2008

The weather is changing!

Have you noticed lately that the mornings and evenings are getting significantly cooler? The weather forecast for this week is supposed to be warm during the day and down to the lower 50's/upper 40's at night. Our SMUD bill will certainly be going down very soon, and thank goodness for that.

Although I do love summer, I can't WAIT for fall. I love this time of year. Soon it will be time again for stews, fires and sweaters. Hooray!

I'm thinking of taking a trip up to Apple Hill once the weather really starts to change. I haven't been up there for all of the festivities in at least 10 years.

Only 8 more days until fall begins!


Jennifer said...

I love Fall, too. Have you noticed the light is changing? And let me know if you want company on your trip to Apple Hill. I love Apple Hill!!