Friday, September 5, 2008

A perfect evening.

I met up with a former co-worker tonight whom I haven't seen since January, and I was amazed at what I saw. He'd lost a significant amount of weight when I saw him last time, but he's lost more since then and he looks fantastic. He looks younger, healthier and is so incredibly confident. It's wonderful. I was so happy to see how well he's doing. After dinner at the Buckhorn Grill downtown, we went to Yogurtagogo. It's a lot like Big Spoon, except not quite so many toppings. Still really delicious, though. We spent most of the evening outside talking, and the weather was just perfect for it. The only thing that gave away the fact that summer is starting to slip away was when it got dark at 8:00.

I love it when the weekend starts off in such a great way!