Thursday, September 11, 2008

7 years.

7 years ago was one of the worst days of my life. It was one of the worst days of everyone's lives. I remember waking up feeling pretty terrible: I was on a course of really strong antibiotics for a spider bite and decided to stay home. I called Rob at work to tell him so, and when I asked his supervisor if I could speak with him, he responded, "He already knows."

Huh? Knows about what? Knows that I'm calling to tell him I'm staying home? I didn't get it.

Until Rob got on the phone and told me to turn on the TV. Right now. An airplane had hit one of the buildings of the World Trade Center and it was getting ready to collapse. And the plane was a commercial airliner.

I quickly turned on the TV and was positively horrified. I said a quick prayer for all of the people in the building and those on the plane.

Until I saw the second plane hit the other building. And I felt like I was going to be sick.

I have never been more scared in my entire life. I felt so totally helpless in that moment, and there was nothing I could do but watch the whole thing unfold in front of me on television. It was gut-wrenching, disgusting, shocking and surreal.

For the entire day, I sat there in front of the television, my stomach twisting inside of me from the antibiotics and from what was happening. I just wanted to throw the blankets over my head and pretend it was all a very, very bad dream that would go away. But it didn't. And as the news kept coming, it just kept getting worse.

I remember my mom came over after she got off work to make sure I was OK, and was just as shaken up as I was. I remember being very grateful for her in that moment, because a lot of people lost their mothers that day. Mine was sitting on the couch, safe and sound.

Today is a very somber day for all of us. I'm sure no one will ever forget what they were doing that day, and more importantly, those that we lost. The mother. The boyfriend. The best friend. The co-worker.

My heart goes out to all of the families who lost someone that day. My memories of the pain of that day are nothing compared to theirs.