1) Riding Amtrak.
It was very pleasant and so worth the cost ($24). I would have spent much more than that on one tank of gas to drive to Santa Cruz. I'll definitely be using it again for another trip to Kristie's or Kim's sometime this summer. My only complaint was the people who work for Amtrak aren't the nicest people you'll meet. When I first got on the train, I was not-very-nicely told by a woman who called me "honey" that the room I was headed for was for the disabled who couldn't walk up the stairs. I apologized in an equally snappy tone and headed upstairs.
2) I rode the Giant Dipper roller coaster at the Boardwalk.
Only one word for this: FUN!!!!!! Kim's college roommate Morgan and I shared a car, and we were both wearing long beaded necklaces that day. When we saw our picture after we got off the ride, they were both hanging in suspension. Really funny! The coaster was probably one of the few that really took my breath away, but it was SO much fun. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard or had so little cares.
3) I had my first Jell-o shot.
Yes, I am 31 years old. Yes, I did go to college. No, I didn't go to parties where there was lots of drinking. It's just not me. So when Kendra pulled out a baggie full of them, I figured I'd try at least one. It wasn't bad - she used strawberry Jell-O and Captain Morgan rum. I'm not a fan of coconut, so I didn't really care for them. But hey, at least I tried it.
Overall, the weekend was a smashing success. We went to a delicious restaurant called Red on Saturday night, where I had deliciously decadent macaroni and cheese. Yum. (I forgot to take a photo of it. Sorry.) We had a great time at the Boardwalk, and we had a delicious brunch on Sunday morning at La Bruschetta in Felton. Here's a picture of the best French toast I've ever had:
I finished the whole plate. (I know - oink oink!)
Here's Kristie and I (and Kendra behind us) on the carousel (with my gum very visibly in my mouth):
And here's Beth taking a photo of Kristie and I on the ferris wheel:
The most important thing about this weekend was that Kim had a great time, and she did. It was such a blast being able to hang out with her and Kristie and the other bridesmaids. I'm so glad I was included.
Here's to the best weekend ever!
From left (front row): Beth, Kim, and Kristie.
From left (back row): Me, Kendra, and Morgan.
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