Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pomp and circumstance.

My cousin Corey (Kristie and Kim's younger brother) graduated from high school last night.

WARNING: I'm about to sound like a mom, so please brace yourselves.

I can't believe that Corey has graduated from high school. I vividly remember the day he was born: as my mom was dropping my sister and I off at my grandparent's house before work, my grandmother came running down the driveway and said that my aunt had gone into labor. We waited all day long for any news. Finally, at 8:15 that night, my uncle called to say they had a boy. A boy!! He was the first grandson in the family and we were ecstatic. I remember feeling happy and clueless: how would a boy fit in with us four girls??

When they brought him home from the hospital the next day, I remember marveling at how tiny he was. It was a hot summer day: the day before I started 8th grade. I remember holding him and being so excited about this new little person: wondering what he'd be like when he grew up, thinking about all the fun that was in store for all of us.

As he grew up, he was the sweetest, most fun little boy I've ever known (I may be biased here). I was 13 when he was born, so I almost felt like a second mom to him. I held him, played with him, pushed him in his stroller every chance I got. And now, at almost 18, he's still sweet and fun: just no longer a little boy. I'm positive that whatever direction he takes in his life, he will be amazing. He's everything I'd hoped he would be and more. And I still wonder and imagine about the wonderful adult he's soon to become.

I'm so proud of you, Corey. You will always be an inspiration to me. And my precious baby cousin.