Wednesday, May 13, 2009

This is just so sad.

I've been watching the television show Jon and Kate plus 8 for awhile now. The kids are adorable (all of them except one of the twins who drives me crazy), and it's interesting watching how a family of 10 survives in this day and age. I also feel bad for Jon, seeing as he's constantly berated and belittled on national television by Kate.

So it made me really sad to see this today. I feel bad for the children. It's hard enough having your family filmed and put on national television so that everyone can judge you, but then to have the paparazzi and tabloids publishing everything that's going wrong in your marriage is just awful. I can't imagine what it must be like to go to the grocery store with their kids and having to try and hide the fact that their parent's pictures are on the cover of the tabloids.

Rob and I have talked a lot about this family, and my point of view is that they chose to have as many kids as they did. They had a set of twins first with fertility drugs, so I'm sure they knew that they would probably have another set of multiples the second time around. How could they not? Rob says that now that they are on the show, it would be hard to take it away because of all the free stuff they're getting from TLC, and the show is allowing them to provide for their children what they might not have been able to on such a tight budget.

Again, it's a choice. And it was the choice they made. They probably had no idea that the show would get this popular, and now it's backfiring.

I just really feel terrible for the children involved. How sad that they have to be subjected to all of this nonsense.