Monday, May 11, 2009

Don't really have a whole lot to say tonight, but I'm here anyway.

My brain has nothing left to give after an entire day of writing test cases and standard operating procedures. The good news? There's a light at the end of this very long tunnel. We have a couple of major hurdles to clear this week, and then we get to breathe a little. And by a little, I mean a day, maybe two if we're lucky.

But I'm feeling good. I felt really productive today and had a good groove going while I was writing everything. This is all proving to be a really good learning experience for me and will be an excellent item to add to my resume'.

If I can even remember that I have a resume' by the time this is over.

To take my mind off of all of this: television, of course. My husband and I have been watching Mad Men on DVD for the last couple of weeks. That show blows my mind. The way those people behave at work is shameful (says the HR person). I have always thought that it would be fun to live back in the 50's and early 60's, but after seeing this show, I had second thoughts. Lots of repressed, unhappy people who smoked and drank a lot (even when they were PREGNANT!). But the fashion - oh, the fashion. I love the costumes on this show and I'm always looking forward to seeing what kinds of things the women are wearing. I sometimes wish we could go back to the day when men wore nice suits and hats and women wore fancy dresses on a regular basis. Everyone looked so sophisticated and elegant.

Maybe I could start a new (old) fashion trend?