Monday, February 23, 2009

A question of sacrifice.

The season of Lent begins again on Wednesday, and I've been giving a lot of thought to what I'll be giving up this year. I went back and forth between a couple of different things, and after a weekend of overindulgence (again), I've settled on abstaining from refined sugar. A few years ago, I did it for a month right before I started Weight Watchers, and was able to do it just fine. Even though it was a bit of a struggle at first, I made it through and even lost a little bit of weight. What made my decision easier for me was this past weekend, when I tore into the Girl Scout cookies I bought without thinking twice, and then devoured a Milky Way bar right after that. That's not normal for me, and I felt really physically awful after I ate all that. So I thought about it a little more over the last couple of days and came to my decision today, after I woke up feeling miserable and having not slept well again last night because I ate too much sugar yesterday.

Lent is also a time to reflect spiritually and prepare yourself for Easter Sunday. I'm also planning on doing that over the next 40 days, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to come out a more positive, relaxed person.

Tomorrow will be my last day of eating a piece of chocolate when I come home from work, so I'll savor it just a bit more than usual and then say good-bye for 40 days. It will definitely be a journey of temptation and sacrifice, but it will build character and will make me a stronger person.

I can't wait to see what I'll be like on Easter Sunday.