Thursday, January 8, 2009

Best. Picture. Ever.

I renewed my driver's license last week and had to get a new picture. That always makes me cringe. So I made sure I looked extra cute when it was my turn (checked my hair several times, put on lip gloss, and smiled my prettiest natural smile). The woman who took my picture said, "Oh you're going to be happy with this picture - it's nice!" I figured she was just being kind, until it came in the mail today.

It turns out, that nice lady at the DMV was right. I have never been happier with any single picture of myself ever, with the exception of my wedding pictures. I was ecstatic. I tried to take a picture of it to share with all of you, but unfortunately it didn't turn out. I'm sure that I will show you the next time I get together with any of you.

Now, I kind of hope I'll get carded so people can see this fantastic picture. If I don't, maybe I'll just ask them if they'd like to see it anyway.

Yes, it's that good.


Jennifer said...

I can't wait to see it!