Monday, May 25, 2009

A disappointing weekend.

I was all prepared to have a fantastic three day weekend when I left work on Friday. I went out for margaritas with a couple of friends and had a great time (as always). I woke up early on Saturday morning feeling rested and ready to do everything I wanted to do, including baking brownies for my sister's birthday party and buying her a present. And I planned to do all that right after I took a short nap in the afternoon.

When I woke up, I had a scratchy throat. Which I thought might be allergies, but just in case, I started taking Emergen-C just to be on the safe side. When my friend PJ called and asked me if I wanted to go to Chevy's, I of course said yes. We ate and then went to Big Spoon for yogurt afterwards. I was feeling about the same, but continued taking Emergen-C the rest of the night.

I woke up feeling pretty crappy yesterday. My throat hurt, my nose was clogged and I felt really awful. I kept up with the Emergen-C thinking I'd feel better.

I slept terrible last night and did nothing at all today. I didn't leave the house or do housework. At this moment, I am feeling better than I did this morning, and I'm thinking it's because of the Emergen-C. I've been taking it all weekend and I think I'd be feeling a lot worse right now if I hadn't taken it as much as I have been.

With my luck, I'll be feeling great tomorrow morning, just in time to go back to work. Which is a good thing, since we're still working on the huge project and this week will be just as crazy as last week.

I guess I should be happy that I didn't get it as bad as my husband did last week, but I'm still disappointed that I felt bad enough that it put a damper on my weekend.

Oh well - next weekend will be here quicker thanks to the 4 day work week. Guess I'll just make up for it then!


Jennifer said...

That is disappointing. I'm so glad that I saw you really helped. I hope you feel better soon.