Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A case of the yucks.

I haven't been feeling well since Sunday. I woke up feeling like I weighed a ton - everything I did felt like it took all the energy I had. I wanted to run a bunch of errands that day, but all I ended up doing was going to the grocery store to get food for the week. I thought I was just a little tired, so I laid low and took it easy all day.

But I still felt bad when I woke up yesterday morning. So I stayed home from work because I knew I would be utterly useless, sitting at my desk like a lump just waiting for it to be 3:30. I felt a lot better by the end of the day after napping and again, laying low.

And then I felt bad again when I woke up this morning, which I suspect is because I did not sleep well last night.

It took every ounce of will power I had to get myself out the door this morning. My brain was screaming at me to stop moving already and just lay down. But this software project we're working on at work has a big deadline coming up next week, and I've still got a lot to do before then. So sitting at home for another day was not an option.

It was a tough day. I struggled a lot this morning. Getting up to do anything took a lot of energy. I thought I'd feel better each time I ate something, but it never worked.

I came home and I've been sitting and enjoying the evening, and thankfully, I feel worlds better than I did this morning. I think with a good nights' sleep, I'll be almost back to normal tomorrow morning.

Whatever normal is these days, I have no idea.


Jennifer said...

I know, huh? What is normal anymore? I'm sure I have no idea either...hope you're feeling better though!