Saturday, January 3, 2009

Now playing: the Lovin' Touchin' Squeezins!

I am officially a drummer in a band. Can you believe it? We're just starting out and don't have a big fan base yet, but we're hoping to book some gigs soon. Oh, and me and the guitar player are having a thing. Hopefully it won't go sour, or the whole band will be in trouble.

My husband got Rock Band 2 for Christmas, and we've been playing non stop since last night when we went over to a friend's house and played with them for 4 hours straight. We bought the rest of the equipment for the game today and set up our band this afternoon. We got our name from an episode of Scrubs - J.D. was telling Turk and Carla about a Journey cover band that he loved named the Lovin' Touchin' Squeezins as a suggestion for a band at their wedding.

I also did a little singing tonight, but I'm no Kim (my cousin). I don't even know some of the songs in the game, so I'll be playing the drums on those selections.

I have a feeling I'm going to be losing a lot of time in the very near future - time that should be spent on chores or other really important things.

But my drumming skills need refining at this point, so I'll make the sacrifice.

The things I do for the band.


Jennifer said...

Totally! We LOVE Rock Band. And Guitar Hero. It's actually some of the best money we ever spent.

Jennifer said...

Oh, and our band is the "Monkey Pig Pirates."