Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Me vs. me.

I've started biking this week to help condition my legs for my run in November in addition to doing the Couch-to-5k program to get me back to a decent running time. I've set a pretty rigorous training schedule for myself - I run every other day, and bike on the days I'm not running. I do give myself one day off a week (Sunday) to recuperate and relax a little, but I'm finding now that it's hard to stay away from the exercise now that I'm getting really into it. It's true what they say about it being addicting - once you get that exercise high, it's hard to stop.

I'm not only doing this to get in shape for the run (which is my number one reason): I'm still trying to burn off the weight I gained while on vacation. I'm still not sure exactly how much it is (one or two pounds, maybe), but it's proving very difficult to get rid of. I'm eating exactly as I should be every day (lots of fruits and veggies, lots and LOTS of water, proteins, fiber, carbs, etc.) and still, my scale has not budged. Every morning I hope for a lower number, and every morning it's been exactly the same or a little bit more. It's extremely frustrating since I've never experienced anything like this before; when I was losing weight a couple of years ago and got down to my last few pounds, it didn't take this long (those last few are the hardest to lose), so I'm wondering what's going on. With my Saturday weigh-in looming over my head, I'm getting more and more panicked.

Maybe that's the problem: I'm panicking too much. I've just got to relax and remind myself that I'm doing everything right and the scale is bound to catch up at some point. It's just going to take some time (more than I'd like it to).

It's too bad there's not an Olympic event in worrying/panicking, because I would be the Michael Phelps of that sport.


Jennifer said...

With all the training you're doing, you are adding muscle mass - which really does weigh more than fat. (Really!!) Don't get disscouraged!! How do your clothes fit? That's always my guide when I get down to the last few pounds.

Jennifer said...

And one more thing...I would go head to head with you in the Olympic Panicking event. Or maybe we can be the May-Treanor/Walsh team and go undefeated for 100 meets.